Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday at the Market and Sunday, a No-fun-run-day

Saturday, I accompanied Amy and Albert (below) to the market.  Amy wanted to get some fabrics (also pictured below) and Albert wanted to look at the crafts market to see if there were any treasures that wanted to go back to the states with him eventually.

I have no clue what this sign means.  Amy asked and we learned that it's for a plumBer (they pronounce the B in plumber here) - I guess that they weren't aware that it was spelled wrong
 This lady insisted that I take her picture

Beautiful African Fabrics

I would not want to be driving behind this guy

The shopaholics (Amy and Albert)

 Sunday morning I had my 13 mile long run for marathon training.  Erwan agreed to do it with me and we split the difference on when we wanted to leave for the run.  I wanted to leave at 6:20 am (as soon as the sun rose) and he wanted to leave closer to 8 so we agreed on 7:30. 

Being on the equator, the sun is high in the sky shortly after rising.  Although the temperature drops over night, it seems to get hot pretty rapidly.  As a result, by about 8:30, I was DYING on our run.

Needless to say it felt like a VERY hard and long run.  I also made the stupid mistake of not carrying water with me.  On my last long run, I was able to buy water midway through from a kiosk, but on this run we went to a totally different place and there were no kiosks until mile 9 - so that was rough.

Despite hating the last 5 + miles, we finished the 13 miles in an hour 54 minutes - which isn't shameful, but it didn't feel good.

After Erwan tortured me for 13 miles, he and Mareike cooked Albert and I brunch - which was lovely.  We had crepes, bacon, smoothies, and zucchini bread (pictured on my last post).  Brunch made the run worth it :)

Apparently spending 2 hours running together didn't make Erwan sick of me - or maybe it was the the temptation of the pizza, but that evening Erwan and Mareike came over to watch the sunset and indulge in sausage, green pepper, onion, and potato pizza that Albert and I made.

The pizza was so good that it was eaten before a picture could possibly have been taken.  But here are a few sunset images.

 Another magnificent sunset on Sunday evening!

Watching the sunset from our roof on Sunday evening we could see the rain in the distance - which was really spectacular!

The Chicago Marathon is this upcoming weekend!  I can't believe that it is almost here!!!

Chris Kenny - I am thinking of you and can't wait to hear about how successful you are!

KJ - the same goes for you!

Can't wait to hear all about it!


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